A Guide To A Quality Lifestyle

 I used to live in my head so much that overthinking and anxiety affected my quality of life and in the past few months, I’ve had to re-learn a lot of things and start applying them in my daily living.

I apologize for being away for most of the year but I'm back with weekly blog posts every Tuesday. Just in case you forgot, this is a space where I share my journey with you as I grow and progress daily.

Are you LIVING or EXISTING? What are the things you do on a daily? Do they bring joy to you? Is there anything in your life that makes your face lit up when you do it or talk about it? Do you have aspirations? Is there something that drives you to do better?

Do you just eat, sleep, work, breathe, and do all the “necessary” things to stay alive, rinse and repeat? Are you just doing the same thing over and over again or there is vim to the course of your life?



A.k.a Know Thy Self.

This is the very first step to living life, You need to know yourself. You should take note of the fact that this is a continuous thing which is why I would advise you to take moments every day/week or month to reflect, whichever works for you. What are your values? What interests you? Your strengths and weaknesses? You need to ask yourself tough questions.

I have a list of prompts you can use for your self-awareness here.


Don’t live in your head too much, some of us have created a fictitious life for ourselves in our head and we would rather imagine how lives could be than actually live in the reality. Some people overthink the past or the future. 

Be mindful and enjoy every moment, don’t get caught up in your thoughts. Just take a deep breath and take life one step at a time.


Take that risk today! If you fail, you will pick yourself up, apply whatever you learn and do better than the first time. I’ve never really been a risk-taker myself but I’ve come to realise that life itself is a risk. You have to do the daring things. There is this vim and energy it adds to you. SHAKE THINGS UP!


It is very terrible to always be on the receiving end. You are always the one being taught, given compliment, etc what are you giving out to others? Are you pouring out knowledge? Are you helping people? Are you giving something valuable to others?

You don’t have to be an angel, just be someone who can give

Patti LaBelle

Serve people with your gifts. Even the word of God say that we have been called to be a blessing to others. 


Quite similar to the previous point.

Many people have a minute idea of how life actually is which is why they only do things for themselves that can just help sustain their existence, nothing more. When you begin to have the mindset that there is a lot to be done in the world and changes to be made, you will live a better life. Not everything you do has to be for personal gain. Are you doing things beneficial to others? Find a cause to live for today.

“I want to do good. I want the world to be better because I was here. I want my life, I want my work, my family, I want it to mean something. It’s like if you are not making someone else’s life better, then you’re wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other lives better.”

– Will Smith.


People who are just existing settle for whatever life throws at them.

Look forward to being more, look forward to doing more. Don’t be mediocre. Never settle for less. Think big, try new things. Get out of your comfort zone. Sounds cliché but Jesus didn’t die for you to live a mediocre life.

“… I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]”.- Jesus John 10:10 AMP


Pick up a book and read today. Listen to a podcast. Learn a new skill. Build identity/career capital – a collection of your personal assets. Build healthy relationships.

Cheers to quality living🥂

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Have an amazing week!

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