How you should approach personal Growth.

I’ve seen a lot of people talk down personal growth and I don’t fault them because of how extreme people can push this.

There are two extreme attitudes to personal growth which you shouldn’t be in, it’s either you do not care at all or you care too much and then end up missing the point by getting self-absorbed. I hope it’s neither for you and I’ll explain why. Stick with me okay? Alright cool.

I had a study on Stewardship last week and one of the major things that stuck out for me is the importance of improving myself and how it makes me a good steward of the life God has given me.

Seeing personal growth as an act of stewardship is the best approach. Why?

When you begin to look at your life as God’s and rest in the truth that your life is a gift from Him and He cares about your progress in life, you’ll care about improving or becoming a better person. It would spur your desire for growth and how you can live out the best of your abilities. You wouldn’t mismanage your life.

Yes, you shouldn’t be self-centred but that doesn’t equate to being mediocre, you are called to be excellent. Personal growth is one of the major things that’ll help shun mediocrity because in the process you become more disciplined, knowledgeable and a lot more. Personal growth requires you to continually develop yourself.

How are you taking care of your body? How do you handle your resources? How do you utilize your time? How are you using your gifts and talents? Are you maximizing or wasting opportunities? How do you care for your family? How do you handle your academics? How are you cultivating genuine friendships?

These questions are so important and I hope that this motivates you to be more intentional about how you live your life. Your life is God’s, walk in that light.

How are you improving yourself this week? Let me know⬇⬇

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Have an amazing week!

2 thoughts on “How you should approach personal Growth.

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  1. Self improvement begins with understanding that our life’s God’s and he’s so intentional about us.
    Then we move to self acceptance, accepting yourself the way you are, loving YOU❤️

    This new week, I want to be intentional about my growth

    I love the part you said, “your life’s God’s, walk in the light”

    Thanks you omobolanle 💜

    Liked by 1 person

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